How to Plan for a Commercial Construction Project

A commercial construction project is a major venture that calls for organization and technical knowledge. Because of this, planning is an essential stage that must happen at the beginning of a new project. Everyone from owners to general contractors and subcontractors working on large-scale projects will benefit from having an outlined strategy.

Let’s take a closer look at how to plan successfully for a commercial construction project.


1. Determine the Project’s Scope

Before beginning any major project, setting goals and expectations is essential. A scope of work, or SOW, is a plan that outlines the work that has to be done on a project. It also establishes how the work should be done and who on the team is in charge of finishing each task.

Having a well-defined scope of work will help you:

  • Prevent errors and reworks
  • Ensure timely delivery of materials and equipment
  • Choose the best talent

Any project’s success depends on having a precise and complete scope of work, which helps you avoid mistakes and prepare more skillfully. Additionally, a contractor with a clear scope is more likely to have the information and attention needed to ensure your project is successful.


2. Define building location

A location plan identifies where the land of the future commercial project is located. It illustrates the proposed development in its surrounding context. A planning authority may request a location plan as a supporting document for a planning application.

A location plan will usually illustrate the following:

  • The location and clear entrance to the building
  • Site boundaries
  • Location of roads and buildings in relation to the site
  • Land necessary to carry out the proposed development


3. Assign a budget

To create a budget, you should add together all the construction expenditures. Costs for supplies, labor, equipment, and overhead are included. Compared to residential projects, commercial projects have substantially bigger budgets.

In case of unexpected circumstances that increase project expenses, a budget should also include contingency reserves. For the project manager and sponsors to know when they need funding, the financial plan can lay out costs over the length of the project.


4. Get the right team together

Not every construction project is the same; therefore, the team you put together to carry out the project should have the expertise and skill set necessary to complete the work effectively. That includes the architects, designers, contractors, and anyone involved in the construction process. Even the best construction plans will only succeed with the right team.


5. Develop a design for the project

During the design stage for a commercial project, the architect and engineers will collaborate to develop a construction design that satisfies your requirements.

All of the architectural specifications, such as the colors and materials utilized, are decided upon during this phase. The design stage is also when you’ll get full drawings detailing the layouts and function of each part of the project.


6. Take permits into consideration

Applying for a permit can be a time-consuming, expensive process, so you’ll need to account for the steps you must take to obtain permission and follow building and municipal codes. It’s important to remember that permits can and often take months to get approved.


7. Be aware of the risk

Risk is part of any project. Many variables could impact your construction plan. Because of that, you should create a risk management plan to prepare for future challenges and determine how you’ll handle them. Include this to allow yourself the flexibility you’ll need to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

A way to mitigate risks is to insure several things related to the project — for example, the building, materials in transit, etc.


8. Get everything you need!

The procurement stage is when your general contractor buys all the materials, tools, and supplies required for the project. During this stage, you should also hire labor.

Purchase orders, which fix prices and guarantee that necessary standards for the construction materials are met, are also prepared during the procurement phase.

Your project is now ready for construction!


9. Start Constructing

Construction is where everything comes together, including the foundation, utility installation, framing, roofing, plumbing, and electrical. The project manager for the site routinely reviews this procedure so that everything works as it should.


10. Make sure everything works properly

After construction comes commissioning, ensure that a building’s systems are operating well.

A final walkthrough, furniture installation, and a certificate of completion from the building’s architect are the last procedures you should consider in a commercial construction project.

After that, a building official will perform a final inspection. Your building will then be ready for use!


Start your commercial construction project today!

Are you ready to bring your commercial construction plan to life? BnK is here to make this process a lot easier! Our team is dedicated to working with you to meet your unique style and vision.

Contact us today to learn how we build spaces that exceed expectations.